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Unreal Tutorial Game Project

The Unreal Editor game project for the game included in the Unreal Tutorial Content.


The Unreal Editor project in source form for the Unreal Engine game included in the Unreal Tutorial Content . This is an excellent example of a project for creating a simple Unreal Engine game that is compatible with the FLAMES Unreal Engine option. The project defines multiple levels with examples of the three FLAMES/Unreal entity types (Autonomous, Surrogate, and Hybrid); damage, impulse, and visual effects; and a drivable, multi-player client application. The project also includes the FLAMES Plugin for Unreal.

Instructions for how to download and build this project are provided in the Unreal Example Content Documentation included in the Unreal Tutorial Content. In this documentation, search for Downloading and Building Example Games. Studying this documentation and this project is a great way to learn how to use the Unreal Editor to create FLAMES-compatible games.

The availability of this item is restricted. If you see the Restricted button and not the Add to Cart button, go to the Unreal License page of your account Settings in the FLAMES Launcher and follow the instructions listed there.

What's Included in the Project:
The FLAMES Plugin for Unreal - A plugin for Unreal that allows FLAMES to load and interact with an Unreal game library
Multiple assets in source form, including assets from the Unreal Marketplace and assets created by Vigilante and Virtual Heroes that have been modified to be FLAMES-compatible
Build targets for a FLAMES-compatible Unreal game library and a drivable multiplayer game client application

What Else Must be Installed:
The Unreal Editor created from the Unreal Editor source code
The Unreal Tutorial Content

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Unreal Tutorial Content

An example Unreal Engine game and multiple example scenarios that illustrate the primary ways FLAMES and Unreal Engine can be used together.